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A nasty e-mail

I got a nasty e-mail which, for sheer toxicity, beats anything I have received so far. In summary, it said the following:

1. My name has been included in both Pulse Asia and Ibon Databank surveys for senators in 2010.

2. In both instances, I am in the top 12 senatoriables.

3. He said I am too poor to be able to afford the rate of P150,000 so my name can be included in the list of senatoriables, but my name is still included any way.

4. He said the surveys -- which have been done quarterly, for two years now, commissioned by two presidentiables -- might be wrong.

5. Hahaha! He said, after saying the surveys might be wrong.

6. I should just run for party list congressman of Ang Ladlad. (This said with such condescension, as if party-list reps are not reps at all)

7. And I should not think of running for senator, since even Ang Ladlad members won't believe I will win as senator.

8. And no big political party will even believe I will win, and nobody will get me in their line-up.

Now, now, now, children. Before we bring out the pitch forks and consign this beast to hell, let us analyze his e-mail for its logical fallacies:

1. As I have said earlier in this blog, I cannot afford to pay P150,000 every three months to have my name in the senatorial surveys. That is P600,000 a year!

2. And YET, the presidentiables who pay for the surveys still put my name. Does that not indicate something, that my name might be strong enough to land in the top 30?

3. I have NOT yet seen these surveys he is talking about, but people I know have seen them. They included other politicians, military officers, NGO leaders, media people, everybody who has P250,000 to pay the survey firms so they could get numerical results of the surveys -- and NOT the analysis. They have teased me about being in the top 12, for two years running, and I just smile at them. I do not believe any surveys I have not seen.

4. Ang Ladlad will field newer, younger people for the 2010 party-list elections.

5. If I am such a light-weight candidate for senator, why would he even send me that nasty e-mail?

6. And more important: why are three big political parties sending emissaries to talk to me into joining their senatorial slate for 2010?

As I have said, the 2010 elections is for the young, the brave of heart, the bright. Excluded are senders of anonymous e-mails, political operators with murky records, Jurassic politicians.

Excuse me while I flick the dirt off my shirt.


I cant help but laugh!

I want to meet and talk your email sender and maybe show him the real light.

Did he wrote his complete name? I doubt.

Sir, that's the prize of being popular... one by one they will throw mud on u to put u down but b4 they can do that, we your believer ( do i sound like we have a cult? JOKE) will face them first.

CHEERS to that!
Jr Reyes said…
As I have said, the 2010 elections is for the young, the brave of heart, the bright. Excluded are senders of anonymous e-mails, political operators with murky records, Jurassic politicians.


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