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Showing posts from December, 2011

PH gets barely passing score in media assessment

PH gets barely passing score in media assessment 13-Dec-11, 3:54 PM | Nonoy Espina, The Philippine assessment, presented to journalists and journalism schools on Tuesday, is the fourth undertaken under the Asian Media Barometer, a project by Friedrich Eibert Stiftung and partners in participating countries that involves a series of “self-assessment exercise(s) based on criteria derived from international standards of media freedom.” The first three countries to undertake the assessment are India and Pakistan -- both in 2009 -- and Thailand last year. The 104-page Philippine report is the result of a two-day panel discussion in early October in Tagaytay to which 10 experts -- five each from media and civil society -- were invited to assess the media situation in the country based on 45 predetermined indicators, in turn clustered into four sectors, that they were asked to grade anonymously on a scale of 1 to 5, with five being the best possible score. Overall, the Phili...